Heartsick Judge’s plea: Wake up!

On Nov. 10, Ian Elias kicked in the door of the home of his ex–wife, Nicolette Elias, and shot her to death with a handgun. He took their two young daughters to his home. When confronted by police, he ultimately stepped out into the back yard and shot himself in the head. The contentious child custody and parenting–time case between Ian Elias and Nicolette was already in front of Judge Amy Holmes Hehn. The judge describes everyone involved in the case as ‘heartsick’. We must realize that even when the legal system is working ‘right’, it cannot prevent these tragedies. It takes community involvement. Judge Hehn’s perspective, coming from 27 years of dealing with domestic violence has lessons for us all. Find out what Judge Hehn wants YOU to do.

Why Psychological Abuse should be As Taboo as Physical Abuse.

A study of 5616 youth published in the journal Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, found that psychological abuse led to damages similar – and in some cases – more than those of sexual and physical abuse . The new study looked at the rates of suicidality, stress, depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. The links found were strongest between psychological abuse and depression, social and general anxiety disorder and substance abuse. Learn more about Child Abuse, and what you can do to protect your children.

Project Sakinah Takes Stock

Five years have passed since we convened the meeting of Domestic Violence advocates and other stakeholders in Arlington, VA at the meeting “Voice to Action: Muslims Against Domestic Violence”. During this time, conversations about the challenges faced by Muslim families have become more frequent, with the discourse rising to the national level. A national movement is coalescing, and Project Sakinah is proud to be taking an active role in nurturing these efforts. Beginning this October, we took this five–year occasion to review our efforts and understand what has worked and what has not – just as we did in the “Voice to Action” meeting in 2009. The departure of our dynamic Executive Consultant, Zerqa Abid, made this effort all the more important.

We will maintain our Project Sakinah Teams and empower them to define their unique local challenges and devise appropriate solutions. We are also devising new ways to engage the community, making more resources available through our website, and working to strengthen our relationships with our many collaborators. But in the end, what matters is whether what we’re doing is valuable to YOU. Please share your ideas and feedback with us here.

Project Sakinah #Giving Tuesday

Black Friday, Cyber Monday..., Giving Tuesday.

Project Sakinah joined other organizations nation-wide to support “unselfie” behavior on Giving Tuesday.

We hope you got involved, too!

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Letter to a Stranger - by Isra


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