Our Story

Dar al Islam has been concerned with the social aspects of Islam since its inception. Our “North American Muslim Powows” in the 1990s addressed ways in which many Muslims in the US felt alienated from their local Islamic Centers. In the 1999, we joined with other Muslims concerned with social services in the founding of the Islamic Social Services Association.

News of Aasiya Zubair’s beheading in February of 2009 sent a shockwave through our collective consciousness. She was the very public face to a very private reality of abuse in the Muslim American community. We asked ourselves, “What can we do?” and that question launched what is now Project Sakinah. With the full support of the Board of Directors of Dar al Islam, it led to research into the fabric of family violence within the Muslim community, the advocates, the victims, the allies; and a vast network of internet-based resources. Along with gaining an understanding of the barriers and the need for more support in working to prevent violence, we came to understand the importance of pro-active work to nurture healthy families.

Project Sakinah’s first event in October of 2009 - “Voice to Action: Muslims Against Domestic Violence” was a successful forum that brought together those with expertise in addressing various aspects of domestic violence and concerned Muslims from among the media, religious organizations, community activists, students, and educators. Participants were enthusiastic about the diversity of the group, the combined expertise and experience of those in attendance, and the ‘open space’ provided for raising and talking frankly about the difficulties of the work addressing domestic violence in the Muslim Community.

Project Sakinah’s commitment to addressing violence with the Muslim American community, within families, between spouses, towards children is real and is grounded in Dar al Islam's belief in the guidance of the foundational teachings of Islam. Our commitment to rally the community to protect and strengthen our families is real. The call to stop the oppression taking place within our families and strengthen the health of Muslim families is a critical part of our responsibility toward each other and our Creator.



“In the Beginning”

One of my earliest childhood memories is the one where I wake up from sleep on my step uncle’s lap to find his finger inside of me. I can’t remember how old I was, I was definitely young enough to still be... More>>



Project Sakinah
Dar al Islam
P.O. Box 180
Abiquiu, NM  87510
