
Please take the time to fill out the brief, 4 question survey below.

For each of the questions below,
please select all responses that apply...

1. Are you aware of any resources in your community for Muslim survivors of domestic abuse?

2. If your community does have domestic violence resources, (if you answered yes to any of the above): Do you feel like many other Muslim families in your area are also aware of these resources?

3. Do you feel there is a need in your community for more services than what is currently being offered?

4. What programs would you like to see offered in your community which are not currently available?

Submit Survey  View Results


“In the Beginning”

One of my earliest childhood memories is the one where I wake up from sleep on my step uncle’s lap to find his finger inside of me. I can’t remember how old I was, I was definitely young enough to still be... More>>



Project Sakinah
Dar al Islam
P.O. Box 180
Abiquiu, NM  87510
