Nurturing the Body

Binnur's Turkish CookbookBinnur's Turkish Cookbook: Often times, traditional recipes, made with less processed foods (and lots of love) can be quite healthful. Many yummy and easy Turkish recipes can be found at Binnur's Turkish Cookbook website.

Desi Cookbook - Pakistani RecipesDesi Cookbook is chock-full of Pakistani recipes—but we’re sure your Mom’s recipes are better. ;)

My Persian KitchenMy Persian Kitchen: Unless you live in a major city or have Persian friends, you probably haven’t had the chance to experience one of the gems of the Muslim culinary world, Persian cooking. My Persian Kitchen has lots of recipes to get you started.

Ellyn SatterEllyn Satter Associates
One of the most respected nutritionists of the past 25 or so years is Ellyn Satter. She is both a psychotherapist and nutritionist. Her website is chock full of advice on healthful eating — as well as when to be concerned about weight (if a child has always been at the 5th percentile (or the 95th percentile), she is not as concerned as if a child has large increases or decreases in weight). One thing she firmly believes in, is the Division of Responsibility in Feeding. Adults choose what food to provide, kids choose how much to eat. Her advice has proven effective (published journal studies) for both kids who are “under” and “overweight”. Read more at

Family Nutrition By Dr. SearsFamily Nutrition By Dr. Sears
Dr. William Sears website,, has lots of advice on healthful eating and nutrition. Dr. Sears is a board-certified pediatrician who authored along with his wife, numerous NY Times best-selling books on parenting.

KellyMom Parenting and BreastfeedingKellyMom Parenting and Breastfeeding
For Moms who are breastfeeding or weaning their children, KellyMom is full of evidence-based information. The site was started by an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant—and has grown to be the go-to place for women who are nursing and need advice.

The Sneaky ChefThe Sneaky Chef
Missy Chase Lapine is a food author who has written numerous books as “The Sneaky Chef.” She advocates giving your family food they already love, but with healthy additions. Her website has lots of free recipes, and her books are readily available in most libraries.

The Vegan DadVegan Dad
If you (or your kids) are adopting a vegan approach, VeganDad's blog is filled with lots of free, yummy recipes. He stopped blogging in January 2013, but hundreds of recipes are still there.

Ellie KriegerEllie Krieger
Ellie Krieger is a Registered Dietician, best-selling cookbook author, and Food Network star. The Food Network website still hosts many of her healthy, family friendly recipes.



“In the Beginning”

One of my earliest childhood memories is the one where I wake up from sleep on my step uncle’s lap to find his finger inside of me. I can’t remember how old I was, I was definitely young enough to still be... More>>



Project Sakinah
Dar al Islam
P.O. Box 180
Abiquiu, NM  87510
